After becoming unconscious in Nowgam, Srinagar, a Nepali couple was hospitalized
After becoming unconscious in Nowgam, Srinagar, a Nepali couple was hospitalized

Kulgam, July 12: The District Hospital (DH) in Kulgam has opened a 24-hour gynaecology operating room.

The shortage of personnel is having a negative impact on patient treatment, as reported by Greater Kashmir last week. As a result, the hospital’s operating theatres are closed beginning at 4 p.m. and will not reopen until 10 a.m.


The fact that no caesarean sections were done overnight was also brought to light, as was the plight of the expectant lady.

Dr. Gulzar Ahmed, Medical Superintendent (MS) of the District Hospital in Kulgam, announced that the gynaecology theatre will be open 24/7.

The gynaecology operating room is staffed by dedicated professionals who keep it running around the clock. MS said that “every effort has been made to provide the best care to expecting mothers.”

Women in the Kulgam district who are expecting a child no longer have to go outside of the district to give birth at Anantnag Maternity Hospital or one of the city’s other hospitals.

MS promised that a weekend pause of sixteen hours would be handled as soon as the necessary staff was assembled.

“Even other emergency surgeries are now being performed till 8 pm now,” he said.

Despite being designated as a district hospital in 2007, the hospital was still operating as a sub district hospital (SDH) owing to the loss of key personnel.

Two consultants approved by the hospital, together with three postgraduate medical officers and two additional graduates nominated by NHM, are responsible for the hospital’s critical gynaecology department.

While residents praised the new initiative, they also called for the department to be modernised.

We expect this measure to reduce current referrals and make things easier for expectant mothers. But, as one Mehraj Ahmed put it, “what we really need to do is upgrade it even more and equip it with even more doctors and paramedics.”

He said that the government should pay for the necessary manpower for district hospitals.



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