November 7th, Srinagar Vidhi Kumar Birdi was named IGP Kashmir by the Home Department of Jammu and Kashmir on Tuesday. As ADGP, Law and Order, J&K, he will take over for Vijay Kumar.
“AdGP (Law & Order), J&K, is attached to Vijay Kumar, IPS (AGMUT: 1997), ADGP Kashmir, upon his transfer. In line with the second proviso to sub-rule (2) of Rule 4 of the Indian Police Service (Cadre) Rules, 1954, a post in the rank of ADGP, designated as ADGP (Law & Order), J&K, is temporarily added to the J&K Segment of AGMUT Cadre. This will remain in place for a period of two years, or until the officer in question holds the position, whichever comes first, according to an official order.
As the acting IGP for Kashmir, Vidhi Kumar Birdi, IPS (AGMUT:2003), replaces Vijay Kumar, IPS. Moreover, the officer will continue to read the order and assume responsibility for the position of IGP Armed Kashmir until further instructions are given.
The ADGP (Law & Order), J&K, which is under the general direction and supervision of the DGP, J&K, has been instructed to handle the zonal IGPs of Kashmir and Jammu.