Dr. Farooq Abdullah advocates for communication between Pakistan and India
Dr. Farooq Abdullah advocates for communication between Pakistan and India

“Speculations have grown that the third INDIA meeting may discuss a seat-sharing formula.”

Mumbai, Aug 30: National Conference (NC) patriarch Farooq Abdullah said Wednesday that the Opposition bloc’s aim was securing a majority in next year’s Lok Sabha elections, amid concerns over INDIA partners’ seat-sharing arrangement.


On Wednesday, the former Jammu & Kashmir chief minister told ANI, “Why worry? What’s due will happen. Nobody knows what will happen except God. We must try to win a majority in the next general election.”

The third INDIA partners meeting in Mumbai may discuss a seat-sharing model.

The Wednesday meeting will continue into Thursday. The two-day summit may also examine other Opposition priorities.

The INDIA meeting will also unveil the alliance logo, organise the coordination committee, designate convenors, and discuss general election preparations.

A coalition of 26 opposition parties, including the Congress, met in Patna for the first time. Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar called the meeting.

The parties formed a coalition to challenge the BJP-led NDA in next year’s Lok Sabha elections.

The budding Opposition combination met again in Bengaluru on July 17-18.

Abdullah teased the BJP for claiming to win 300+ Lok Sabha seats, suggesting the governing party may have received a divine message.

They may have gotten a divine message to win this many seats. The Almighty has not called. We’ll notify you when we do, he said.



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