Dr. Farooq Abdullah advocates for communication between Pakistan and India
Dr. Farooq Abdullah advocates for communication between Pakistan and India

Srinagar, June 18: Farooq Abdullah, a member of Parliament and the former chief minister of Jammu and Kashmir, said today that people who spread hate in the country should look at how Muslims and Hindus in Kashmir live together and help each other so that the Amarnath Yatra goes smoothly.

According to the news service Kashmir News Observer (KNO), Abdullah told reporters that the Amarnath Yatra has shown that people in the Kashmir Valley can get along with each other.


“Those who try to spread hate in the country should look at how Muslims and Hindus help each other to keep things running smoothly,” he said.

In answer to a question about a lack of water, power, and food grains, Dr. Abdullah said that these kinds of problems happen every year. He added that there isn’t much of a water shortage right now, but the government should look into it.

“The Indian government has cut back on food grain supplies,” he said. “As a member of the Parliamentary committee for food, we have asked the government to bring back enough supplies.”

He said that the poor people who work there during the Amarnath Yatra make a living and spend the same money in the winter.

When asked about the polls, Dr. Abdullah refused to say anything.



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