Celebrate Arabic Language Day at IUST
Celebrate Arabic Language Day at IUST

Dec. 20, Awantipora: “Arabic—The Language of Poetry and Art,” the UNESCO-designated topic for 2023, was the focus of the Arabic Language Day celebration by the Department of Arabic Language and Literature, IUST.

Distinguished speakers, academics, and students participated in lively debates that showcased the language’s rich literary and linguistic legacy.


The importance of Arabic poetry throughout history was emphasized by Dr. Inayet Rasool, Head of the Department of Arabic Language and Literature. She also urged students and scholars to study the Arabic poetry written by writers and scholars from the Kashmir region and share it with a larger audience both inside and outside of the nation.

The head of the department of architecture, Dr. Mehran Qurashi, presented a thorough history of the evolution of Arabic script throughout time. He discussed how Arabic script evolved and how it interacted with material culture in various eras and locales.



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