Anjuman Auqaf voiced his displeasure with the closing of Jama Masjid and Mirwaiz's home arrest
Anjuman Auqaf voiced his displeasure with the closing of Jama Masjid and Mirwaiz's home arrest

Srinagar, Nov. 24: Anjuman Auqaf Jama Masjid Srinagar has voiced strong opposition to Mirwaiz Moulvi Muhammad Umar Farooq being placed under house arrest and to today’s decision to forbid Friday prayers in the vast, historic mosque for the seventh Friday in a row.

In a statement, the Anjuman said that although the government always asserts that the situation in Kashmir is normal, the closure of Jama Masjid and the incarceration of Mirwaiz in their homes run counter to that assertion.


The statement says that it is inexplicable that the government is acting in such a negative manner against Jama Masjid and Mirwaiz.

It says, “If Mirwaiz’s administration claims that he is no longer in custody, then why is Jama Masjid being targeted and he is not permitted to fulfill his religious obligations?”

It also said that these acts amounted to meddling in religion affairs and offended people’s religious feelings.

It called on the government to remove unnecessary limitations and modify its policies toward Jama Masjid and Mirwaiz.



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