Dec. 3, Baramulla: On Sunday night, a furniture factory and five residential homes in the Baramulla district of north Kashmir’s Sherbagh Kanlibagh region were completely destroyed.
Around 9:30 p.m., a fire broke out in the furniture industry and quickly spread to the adjacent residential areas, severely destroying numerous homes.
The residents organized a large-scale demonstration against the Fire and Emergency Department, claiming that it delayed bringing out fire engines and had an inadequate water load in the engines, which caused delays in putting out the fire.
The residents of Baramulla are quite resentful of the fire tenders from the Fire and Emergency Department because, despite their tardiness, several of them were observed to have been abandoned by their drivers.
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The local teenagers were seen making every effort to put out the fire, but they were unable to douse it due to its extreme intensity.
Afterwards, the Army staff members who were directly engaged in managing the fire assumed command of the situation and pushed fire fighters to put it out.
Baramulla police also hurried to the site and assisted in putting out the fire.
Later, more fire fighters were sent to put out the fire.
But the fire was too intense and spread to a number of residential buildings.
The fire was still burning, and, apart from a furniture factory, at least five residential dwellings had been completely destroyed when the report was submitted.