According to the response, there are a total of 195 authorised faculty posts at the institution, but only 76 active faculty members.
In response to an online RTI application by Jammu-based RTI Activist Raman Sharma, the Central Public Information Officers of Central University of Kashmir (CUK) have confirmed that more than 60% of teaching staff positions are currently unfilled.
The university’s public information officer (PIO) responded to a request for information about the faculty’s current headcount, saying, “The sanctioned strength of teaching positions at the university is 195, and the current headcount is 76.” This information was provided on July 12, 2023.
The RTI response confirmed that 119 teaching positions at CUK are unfilled, which is approximately 61% of all teaching positions.
The reply describes CUK’s non-teaching employees in detail, noting that the university has a sanctioned strength of 114 non-teaching jobs, 31 of which are vacant, and a posted strength of 83 as of the date of this writing.
The PIO’s response to Raman Sharma’s request for information regarding how the university fills empty teaching and non-teaching jobs stated that advertisements are made for both types of employment.
It is worth noting here that approximately 40% of teaching positions at CUJ remain unfilled, as was previously reported in an RTI reply by the university. Sharma, the RTI activist, said that the National Institute of Technology (NIT), Srinagar has also been asked to respond to an identical RTI request for information regarding the current size of its workforce.