Passengers are advised to prefer journey on Jammu-Srinagar NHW during day time. Please avoid journey during night hours
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From 30-10-2023, 1700 hrs. to 31-10-2023, 1700 hrs., there was slow movement observed on NH-44 due to breakdown of 10 HMVs, movement of Nomadic herds, poor surface condition of road at Dalwas, and single-lane traffic at Cafeteria-Mehad, Magerkote, and Nachlana between Nashri and NAVYUG Tunnel. pasengers and LMV operators are advised to prefer journey on Jammu-Srinagar NHW during the day. Nighttime travel is discouraged because of the potential disruption caused by nomads making their way from the Kashmir valley to Jammu.
HMV operators and owners are urged to abstain from overloading and carry adequate fuel during their voyage on the Jammu-Srinagar NHW, requiring no
Dhar Road will be open to heavy vehicles with just 6 and 10 tyres.
TRANSPORTATION PLAN AND ADVICE FOR JANUARY 11, 2023: – Subject to fair weather and excellent road conditions, LMV passengers, private cars, HMVs, and load carriers may be permitted from both sides on the Jammu-Srinagar National Highway (NH-44) viz. Jammu towards Srinagar and vice versa. It’s important for commuters to stay in their lanes.
Movement of the SFs’ Convoy: Subject to favorable weather and excellent road conditions, Security Forces vehicles shall be permitted from both sides on the Jammu-Srinagar NHW (NH-44) viz. Jammu towards Srinagar and vice versa.

J&K traffic police tweeted

SSG ROAD Subject to fine weather and acceptable road conditions, vehicular traffic on the Srinagar-Sonamarg-Gumari road may be permitted from both sides, viz., Srinagar towards Kargil and vice versa. From Minamarg, traffic headed towards Srinagar between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. must consist of LMVs followed by HMVs.
From Sonamarg towards Kargil, LMVs followed by HMVs will also be permitted between 1300 and 1700. When the gates close, no cars will be let in.
SFs Convoy, travelling from Srinagar to Kargil, should depart Srinagar at 8:00 a.m.
The movements of the SFs Convoy must not interfere with civilian traffic along the route between Drass and Srinagar.
Silk Route:-
As long as the route is passable, traffic may flow freely from Poonch to Shopian and vice versa along the Mughal route. From Behramgalla (Bufliaz) and Herpora (Shopian), these vehicles will be permitted between 0600 and 1800. When the clock strikes midnight, no vehicle is permitted.
Travel on NH-44 is discouraged until the following conditions have been verified with traffic control: Contact Jammu (0191-2459048), Srinagar (0192-450022), Ramban (9419993745), Udhampur (8491928625), or PCR Kishtwar (9906154100) to find out the current condition of Sinthan Road.



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