RISING CONCERN: Since 2020, J&K has recorded 36,712 cases of TB, including 1239 TB-related fatalities.
RISING CONCERN: Since 2020, J&K has recorded 36,712 cases of TB, including 1239 TB-related fatalities.

October 25, Srinagar: Concerns over the disease’s prevalence in Jammu and Kashmir have been raised by the disturbing pattern of 1239 fatalities in the region over the previous four years that have been linked to tuberculosis (TB). Greater Kashmir obtained the data, which shows that 36,713 instances of tuberculosis were registered in J&K over the same time period. This highlights the need for more potent methods to fight this infectious illness. The data indicates a consistent rise in the number of fatalities linked to tuberculosis over time. There were 295 recorded TB-related fatalities in 2020, 309 in 2021, 417 in 2022, and 218 deaths up until May 2023. Cases of tuberculosis were recorded in J&K

36,713 cases of tuberculosis were recorded in J&K during that same time period. 8830 instances were recorded in 2020; 10826 cases in 2021; 11804 cases in 2022; and 5253 cases up until May 2023 were reported.


In line with the Center’s objective of having the area free of tuberculosis by 2025, a senior official of the Health Department underlined the necessity of a more strategic and outcome-oriented strategy to eradicate tuberculosis in J&K.

He emphasised the importance of adhering to a treatment plan and the connection between better adherence and increased treatment outcomes.

Although there has been a lot of progress, officials stated that much more work is still needed to meet the goal by 2025.

Three districts—Budgam, Anantnag, and Pulwama—have been deemed TB-free by the government, signalling advancements in the battle against the disease.

Gold ratings were given to Kupwara and Srinagar for their efforts in this area.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) states that TB is an infectious illness that mostly affects the lungs and is brought on by a particular kind of bacterium.

When infected people cough, sneeze, or spit, the infection spreads via the air.
It is believed that almost 25% of the world’s population has TB bacterium infection, which is avoidable and treatable.

Only 5 to 10% of people who are infected go on to have TB illness, nevertheless.

The Bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccine is given to newborns or early children in TB-endemic nations like India in order to prevent TB outside of the lungs, albeit it is less successful in preventing lung TB.

Latent tuberculosis infection patients are asymptomatic and not communicable.

The location of the disease’s onset determines the symptoms of tuberculosis.

Though it mostly affects the lungs, tuberculosis (TB) can also damage the kidneys, brain, spine, and skin, according to the World Health Organisation.

In order to meet the Center’s target of having no tuberculosis in the area by 2025, it is imperative that the growing number of TB cases and fatalities in J&K be addressed and appropriate measures put in place.

To expedite the transition to a Kashmir free of tuberculosis and ultimately save lives, cooperation amongst all parties involved—including medical colleges—is imperative.



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