Shadab Karewa Shopian's developmental endeavours are evaluated by Director JKEDI
Shadab Karewa Shopian's developmental endeavours are evaluated by Director JKEDI

Shopian 25 September: Ajaz Ahmad Bhat (IAS), the director of the Jammu and Kashmir Entrepreneurship Development Institute (JKEDI) and the Prabhari Officer of Shadab Karewa, led a thorough assessment meeting today at the Government High School in Shadab Karewa. The meeting’s main topics of discussion were local programmes for rural development and sanitation.

He conducted a thorough evaluation of the Jal Shakti Department’s current initiatives. He gave the department instructions to prioritise and speed up the current projects in view of the coming hard winter in order to assure their completion before the arrival of unfavourable weather conditions. These projects must be finished for the community’s welfare since they are necessary for ensuring a steady supply of water and improving inhabitants’ quality of life in general.


“Today’s meeting covered crucial issues related to safety and sanitation, which are crucial for the community’s welfare. The Jal Shakti Department’s projects must be finished on schedule if Shadab Karewa inhabitants are to continue having access to pure water. The fact that attendees came from various walks of life is inspiring. Development requires the community’s active engagement, according to Ajaz Ahmad Bhat. He said, “The Government is dedicated to provide basic facilities and enhancing access to different services in the region.

Ajaz Ahmad Bhat emphasised at the meeting how crucial it is to keep Shadab Karewa clean and hygienic. He gave the Rural Development Department the go-ahead to take preventative steps to guarantee the area’s hygienic conditions. He encouraged local authorities to work carefully in this area, highlighting the importance of a clean environment for the citizens’ well-being. He attended the meeting and looked at the local solid waste management sheds. To reduce environmental risks, he urged effective solid waste management.

Later on in the day, Director JKEDI went to the Amrit Sarovar Dam and observed the state of the reservoir. He gave the appropriate authorities the go-ahead to put up fence around the reservoir right away in order to protect the safety of the locals and deter intruders. Additionally, he emphasised how crucial it is to plant trees nearby in order to help preserve the ecosystem.

The purpose of the tour was to learn more about how the development projects were being carried out on the ground, evaluate the physical development, and make sure that the programmes were in line with the region’s larger developmental objectives. Javid Ahmed, Shopian’s deputy superintendent of police, Block Development Officer Keller, representatives from the associated government department, as well as members of the local community, attended the meeting.



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