November 4th, Srinagar: On Saturday, Justice Sindhu Sharma, the administrative judge for the district of Budgam, conducted an inspection of the district court complex and instructed all judicial personnel to expedite the resolution of both civil and criminal matters.
Registrar General Shahzad Azeem and Principal District and Sessions Judge Budgam Khalil Ahmed Choudhary welcomed Justice Sharma during her tour of the court complex. Justice Sharma spoke with the judicial officers stationed at the district headquarters in Budgam and patiently heard each one of them about the infrastructure and other problems they were facing in their respective courts, according to a statement released by the office of District and Sessions Judge Budgam. In addition to ordering all judicial personnel to expedite the resolution of civil and criminal matters, Justice Sharma also urged them to list and assign trial cases to older cases that have been languishing for more than ten years, twice a month.